You begin to walk home. Soon, the footpath diverges from the main road, shortcutting through a clump of woodland. You...\n\n... [[follow the footpath|Lights on the path]]\n\n... [[stick to the main road|Grass Verge]]
You knock repeatedly at the darkened house. Eventually a light comes on. The occupants look severely unimpressed, but none the less [[call you a taxi|You Get Home]]
The fox stops dead in its tracks, before darting back into the undergrowth.\n\nYou calm your rapidly beating heart before [[continuing|Eases]]
You arrive on the last train at the rural station. \n\nFellow passengers rapidly hop into waiting cars and taxi's \n\nand [[disappear|Drizzle]] into the night.\n
Crackle of white in the sky!\n\nA shape leers out in front of you. You...\n\n... [[screem|Fox]]\n\n... [[twist to face it|Slip]]
You're staying at your parents' house [[tonight|Long way]]. \n\nThey arrive back from holiday tomorrow and you want to surprise them.
Checking your pockets you find you're out of cash. The cab driver notices, eyeing you suspiciously. He...\n\n... [[refuses to take you.|Begin to walk]]\n\n... [[tells you to get in anyway|No Meter]]
The rain gets heavier. Then [[heavier still|Dark Fields]]. It starts lashing down in sheets
The light gets closer now. You...\n\n... [[Quicken your pace|Back to the Road]]\n\n... [[Keep walking calmly|Dog Walker]]
You reach the road just in time. Traffic swishes past on the busy highway and in the errie orange streetlights [[you feel momentarily safer|Grass Verge]]
The torchlight illuminates the way ahead for the approaching man and his dog. [[He gives you a friendly nod as he passes.|Rain]]
A flash! And ahead on the path, you see movement, a a dark, hollow silhouette.\n\n[[You freeze|Attack]], fear turning your blood to stone.
The blinding main beam of passing cars makes it difficult to see the path. One motorist notices you shielding your eyes and dips his lights.\n\nYou wave to say thank you, just as the car swishes through a massive puddle. [[If you weren't soaked already, you are now|Eases]]\n\n
But they live in the next village. It's 10 minutes by car, or a 1 hour walk. You....\n\n... [[quickly hail a taxi as it is about to leave...|No Money]]\n\n\n... [[decide to walk|Begin to walk]]
You shuffle along the verge by the side of the road. In the long, damp grass, water quickly seeps through your shoes. [[Socks turn heavy and cold, clinging around your feet|Rain]]
The light gets closer now. You...\n\n... [[Quicken your pace|Dog Walker]]\n\n... [[Keep walking calmly|Dog Walker]]
You Get Home\n\nThere is no blood on your hands...\n\nThe End
The drizzle turns to rain as your path rejoins the road. You soon notice someone is following behind. You...\n\n... [[turn round to see who it is|Other Walker]]\n\n... [[quicken your pace|Disappeared]]
You soon glance behind you anyway, but the figure has disappeared. Sensing they are still hiding in the shadows behind you, you...\n\n... [[continue apace|Stumble]]\n\n... [[dart down a side lane|Heavier]]
You pound on a farmhouse door...\n\n... A horrified face...\n\n... The rain must have washed it off. The police take a statement, then [[give you a ride|No Blood]]
Get Home
The driver eventually asks if you're sure you don't want a lift all the way. You insist it's fine. He shrugs, claims he was only trying to help, [[and pulls away into the night...|Begin to walk]]
You turn round in time to see the person following you turn down a garden path and unlock the door to [[their home.|Splashed]]
He stops and lets you out. But he doesn't drive off. You...\n\n... [[Turn your back and walk away|Rain]]\n\n... [[Wait for a minute as he sits there|Shrugs]]\n
You get home\n\nThe End
[[The rain finally eases as you approach home. In the distance, the lights from the city reflect off the storm clouds above, painting them shades of fiery orange and lavender.|You Get Home]]
The lane ends, and you find yourself on a muddy footpath between fields and forest.\n\nStabbing blasts of lightning rip across the sky, bathing the landscape ahead in [[chilling monochrome|Movement]]
The constant strobe of hazy orange street lights and bright headlamps of passing cars makes you drowsy. The world outside seems alien and unfamiliar. Suddenly, you notice, there is no meter in the cab.\n\nPanic creeps into your mind. Looking around you realise, this is no taxi after all...\n\n... [[You tell the driver your house is just at the end of the next side street and to let you out here.|Let You Go]]
You see a light on the path ahead, bobbing up and down in the distance. Someone is coming towards you... \n\n... [[The main road is safer. You turn around and head back|Light Approaches B]]\n\n... [[You continue undaunted|Light Approaches]]
Underfoot, you slip on wet leaves and feel your ankle twist as you go down. You...\n\n... [[continue hobbling along|Pub]]\n\n... [[make for the nearest house|Unimpressed]]
It soon becomes clear that you're more severely injured than you thought. Fortunately, you find yourself stood outside a pub where the lights are still on.\n\nWithin you find a group of sympathetic patrons, who organise a quick whip around for [[a taxi.|You Get Home]]
You slip as your assailant bears down on you, tripping them in the process.\n\nMetal glints in the ethereal shrieking white\n\nYou grab a flailing arm and it [[hammers down|Hands]] on flesh
[[It's drizzling...|Parents]]\n\n